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A few lines of our educational project and our school project. In connection with the project of the diocese of Saint Denis

The Fidélis school group is a Catholic educational establishment, whose operation is ensured by an educational community, within the framework of a contract with the State.

The educational community is made up of children, all those working in the school (headteachers, teachers and professors, educational, administrative and technical staff) and parents of pupils.

The educational project defines the values on which the actions of the establishment will be based: the educational and pastoral aims that the educational community wishes to develop, so that we all have the same references.

The establishment plan aims to formalize the objectives and their methods of application in order to contribute, in partnership with the families, to the education of the young people entrusted to us.

The strength of a project lies in its evolution and its adaptation to realities. For this, any project must be rewritten.

All members of the educational community must adhere to the proposals of the educational project and participate in their implementation.

Here are some points of reference concerning the values of our educational project and their implementation:


In accordance with the statutes of Catholic Education and its own character, everyone must be aware that it is necessary, simultaneously, to promote  development of personality, acquisition of knowledge, and reference to the values of the Gospel.

- personality development

The students are all different and this diversity is a richness: it gives everyone an opening on the realities of society.

In the activities and events of class life, everyone has the opportunity to develop their autonomy, to exercise their freedom, while respecting that of others.

- the quality of education:

The aim of teaching is not only the acquisition of knowledge, but also the development of the reasoning faculties, working methods, curiosity and creativity of the pupils. This obviously implies the active participation of each of them.

The education provided complies with official programs and instructions. The work and knowledge of the pupils are regularly evaluated and the parents informed of the child's progress. Teachers and professors are regularly trained.

- the reference to the Gospel.

In respect of freedom of conscience, it is important that each student can find meaning in his life and forge personal convictions.

Generally speaking, an implicit reference is given by respect for people, the quality of relationships, an attitude of welcome and generosity. One hour a week is devoted to religious culture, to the discovery of spirituality.

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